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Are You Listening to Your Clients?

We’ve all found ourselves in a conversation that is completely one-sided and almost difficult to get out of. You know, the one where someone corners you at a get-together and talks your ear off, and you’re looking around with pleading eyes to see if anyone can save you.

Think back to your last few client meetings. Have you ever been that person? The talker who monopolizes the conversation, and you don’t realize it until you notice the glazed looks on the faces in front you?

Stop talking about yourself!
This is going to hurt a little, but if I don’t tell you, I’m not sure anyone will. Our clients are contacting more than one photographer (I know this is a surprise, sorry for ripping the band-aid off!). But seriously, we need to stop sending emails that sound robotic and are filled to the brim about US. No one cares about that stuff. Clients already KNOW what we have to offer. They know it, so why are we wasting their time sending them boring emails?

If there’s anything we can learn from Dale Carnegie’s book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’, it’s to listen to people!

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your business is to get to know people. Ask them questions, listen attentively, be sincere and honest, and take a genuine interest in people.

Photographers, listen up!

Three Steps in Applying this to your life right now:
1. Respond to inquiries with questions.
I personally like to ask a few questions just to see if the couple and I would be a good fit for each other. Some of the questions I ask include, “What do you like to do together?” “How do you spend your free time?” “How did you get engaged?” We need to stop doing all of the talking and let them do the talking.

2. Make REAL connections.
Stop trying to fit yourself into a box with your clients, and try letting your clients fit better with you. One thing I have learned is that if you try and force a connection between you and your clients, you will end up with unhappy clients. We already know from all of the literature and blogs out there that every client or couple is not going to be the best fit for us. Be genuine. Be yourself, allow your clients to get to know you as well and you will see that the process is not only easy, but natural. That is probably the best way to build your tribe.

3. Don’t rush or force it.
What do we all need more of? TIME, right? I feel like everyone is always saying that they don’t have time for this or that. When a client gives you their very valuable time, reciprocate with yours. Don’t rush your meetings or force things to go one way or another. In my experience, the most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who show care to their clients and share their time. People want nothing more than to feel taken care of and safe. Figure out how best to do that and do it well.

Feel free to drop me an email at michele@micheleashleyphotography.com or leave a message below.

Did you Miss the last installment? Find it here!

March 9, 2017

  1. Sarah says:

    Valuable information:)

  2. Excellent recommendations!!!


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